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时间:2023-03-09 09:00:09 浏览量:

英文申请辞职信怎么写1  DearMr.Wong,  IwouldlikeoleyouknowhowmuchIhaveenjoyedmylashreeyearsaheHeroCompany.Hero下面是小编为大家整理的2023年英文申请辞职信怎么写,菁选3篇(完整),供大家参考。



  Dear Mr. Wong,

  I would like o le you know how much I have enjoyed my las hree years a he Hero Company. Hero Company is an invaluable place for enriching my knowledge abou financial field, I enjoyed working wih my colleagues and I have learned so much hings here.

  Because I would like o ake a new challenge and I wan o mee people from all walks of life, I have acceped an offer from an Insurance firm as a Personal Financial Consulan. I would herefore appreciae i if you would accep my resignaion effecive from 8 March, 2002.

  I would be very much obliged if you would kindly give me a reference leer before I leave. hank you for all ha you have done o make my work here boh ineresing and enjoyable.


  Dear Mr. Ben(he name of your boss),

  Please accep his leer as formal noificaion ha I am leaving my posiion wih XXX company on Augus 7.

  I have allowed 30 days prior o my deparure for assising in he ransiion process.

  Alhough I have enjoyed my job, I have received an offer for anoher company ha I feel is beer suied6 o my career objecives.

  hank you for your kind aenion and would appreciae if you could le me have a reference leer before I leave.

  I regre having o resign from my posiion. I wish you and XXX he bes of luck and fuure success.

  If I can be of any assisance during his ransiion, please le me know.


  (your full name)



  I feel sorry o say ha I decided o qui my curren job. Maybe i is really a surprise for you. Afer serious and careful consideraion, however, I have o make his adjusmen regarding my personal career developmen plan. I’m sorry abou he inconvenience i may bring o you and our eam.

  he decision is really hard for me because I have so enjoyed my working relaionship here. Our eam has offered me grea laiude and opporuniy wihin our business area. And as a resul, I’ve no only gained he echnical skills, inerpersonal skills, bu also learn a lo on predominan company culure and he ar of managemen. I’d like o express my deep hanks for he rewarding experience I’ve enjoyed during hose days.

  However, all good hings mus come o an end. I have o say goodbye o you and our excellen eam. I will be dedicaed o hand over all my work o he appoined personnel before my deparure. hanks again for your kindly suppor and insrucion during my work.

  Wish you every success in fuure!

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