6月英语四级翻译段落练习1 11月11日是*特有的“光棍节”。节如其名,这个节日是专门为那些还过着单身生活的人设立的。主要的庆祝方式是和光棍朋友们聚在一起吃一顿。人们也会举办相亲会,想借此来告别单下面是小编为大家整理的6月英语四级翻译段落练习3篇【完整版】,供大家参考。
On the 11th day of November, Singles Day is a special occasion in China. As the name indicates, this day is the one exclusively for people who are still living single lives. The main way to celebrate Singles Day is to have dinner with single friends. People also hold “blind date” parties in an attempt to say goodbye to their single lives. In addition to the meaning of “being single”, the four “1”s of the date also suggest “the only one”. Therefore, the Singles Day also serves as a good day for some people to express their love. Some people choose to marry on this day as well.
Family planning is one of the basic national policies of China. Implemented in 1978, the family planning policy has produced remarkable effects over the past 30-odd years. Excessive population growth was effectively controlled, with the quality of people being improved. Furthermore, the family planning policy has helped in promoting living standards as well as sustainable social development. However, as the society further develops, new problems emerge continuously, bringing many new challenges to family planning. Therefore, the Chinese government has refined the policy such as the universal two-child policy.
The new measure will specify to moderately relax the quota of the self-produced products of foreign-invested enterprise for the domestic market.If the project belongs to the industry that the country encourages and allows to develop,the import of raw materials and export of products do not relate to the management of quota and license and the foreign exchange revenue,and expenditure are balanced by itself,it can liberalize the quota of products fot the domestic market according to the requset of foreign enterprise.If the products are made by 100% domestic raw materials,the quota of products for domestic market can be liberalized to 100%.
丽江古城有800多年的历史,曾经是茶马古道(the old teahorse road)上的一个贸易集结点(confluence)。丽江因其有序的水道和桥梁系统而闻名。丽江古城在建筑、历史及其原住民纳西族(the Naxi people)的文化传统方面不同于*其他古城。古城沿山脉和河流而建,为我们提供了一个研究古代建筑的非常珍贵的样本。独特的地理位置、历史背景以及多民族的居民,都使丽江成为最特别的古城之一。
The old town of Lijiang has a history of more than800 years and was once a confluence for tradealong the old tea horse road.It is famous for itsorderly system of waterways and bridges.The oldtown of Lijiang differs from other ancient Chinesecities in architecture, history and the culture tradition of its local residents-the Naxi people.Thetown is built along mountains and rivers, providing us a very precious sample of the researchon the old-time architecture. The uniquegeographical location, historical background andmultiracial inhabitants make it one of the most special old towns.
1.丽江因其有序的水道和桥梁系统而闻名:“因...而闻名”可用be famous for...表示。
2.丽江古城在建筑、历史及其原住民纳西族的文化传统方面不同于*其他古城:“原住民纳西族”可译为localresidents-the Naxi people。
3.古城沿山脉和河流而建,为我们提供了一个研究古代建筑的非常珍贵的`样本:“沿山脉和河流”可译为along mountainsand rivers。
端午节:端午节,又叫龙舟节,是为了纪念爱国诗人屈原。屈原是一位忠诚和受人敬仰的.大臣(minister),他给国家带来了和*和繁荣。但最后因为受到诽谤(vilify)而最终投河自尽。人们撑船到他自尽的地方,抛下粽子,希望鱼儿吃粽子,不要吃屈原的身躯。几千年来,端午节的特色在于吃粽子(glutinous dumplings)和赛龙舟,尤其是在一些河湖密布的南方省份。
The Duan Wu Festival, also called the Dragon Boat Festival, is to commemorate the patriotic poet Qu Yuan. Qu Yuan was a loyal and highly esteemed minister, who brought peace and prosperity to the state but ended up drowning himself in a river as a result of being vilified.People got to the spot by boat and cast glutinous dumplings into the water,hoping that the fishes ate the dumplings instead of Qu Yuan’s body. For thousands of years, the festival has been marked by glutinous dumplings and dragon boat races, especially in the southern provinces where there are many rivers and lakes.
国画是*文化遗产的重要组成部分。不同于西方画,它是用毛笔(Chinese brush)和墨汁在宣纸(xuan paper)上作画的。精通这门艺术需要不断重复的练习, 需要控制好毛笔,需要对宣纸和墨汁有一定的认识。绘画前,画家必须在脑海里有一个草图并根据他的想象力和经验进行绘画。许多*画家既是诗人,又是书法家。他们经常会在自己的画上亲手添加诗作。
Chinese painting is an important part of thecountry"s cultural heritage. It distinguishes itselffrom Western painting in that it is drawn on xuanpaper with the Chinese brush and Chinese ink. Toattain proficiency in this art, it is necessary to havea good control of the brush, and certain knowledge of xuan paper and Chinese ink besidesrepeated exercises.Before painting, the painter must have a draft in his mind and drawaccording to his imagination and experience.Many a Chinese painter is at the same time a poetand calligrapher who often adds a poem with his own hand on the painting.
1.不同于西方画,它是用毛笔和墨汁在宣纸上作画的:“不同于”可译为distinguish oneself from sth.,也可用bedifferent from 表示。“毛笔和墨汁”可译为the Chinesebrush and Chinese ink,此处可同用一个冠词表示整体;“用”可用介词with,表示方式。
2.精通这门艺术需要不断重复的练习,需要控制好毛笔,需要对宣纸和墨汁有一定的认识:“精通这门艺术”可译为toattain proficiency in this art,attain意为“获得、获取”,proficiency意为“精通、熟练”。“需要控制好毛笔,需要对宣纸和墨汁有一定的.认识”,该句可理解为“控制好毛笔和认识宣纸、墨汁也是必要的”。
国画是*文化遗产的重要组成部分。不同于西方画,它是用毛笔(Chinese brush)和墨汁在宣纸(xuan paper)上作画的。精通这门艺术需要不断重复的练习, 需要控制好毛笔,需要对宣纸和墨汁有一定的认识。绘画前,画家必须在脑海里有一个草图并根据他的想象力和经验进行绘画。许多*画家既是诗人,又是书法家。他们经常会在自己的画上亲手添加诗作。
Chinese painting is an important part of thecountry"s cultural heritage. It distinguishes itselffrom Western painting in that it is drawn on xuanpaper with the Chinese brush and Chinese ink. Toattain proficiency in this art, it is necessary to havea good control of the brush, and certain knowledge of xuan paper and Chinese ink besidesrepeated exercises.Before painting, the painter must have a draft in his mind and drawaccording to his imagination and experience.Many a Chinese painter is at the same time a poetand calligrapher who often adds a poem with his own hand on the painting.
1.不同于西方画,它是用毛笔和墨汁在宣纸上作画的:“不同于”可译为distinguish oneself from sth.,也可用bedifferent from 表示。“毛笔和墨汁”可译为the Chinesebrush and Chinese ink,此处可同用一个冠词表示整体;“用”可用介词with,表示方式。
2.精通这门艺术需要不断重复的练习,需要控制好毛笔,需要对宣纸和墨汁有一定的认识:“精通这门艺术”可译为toattain proficiency in this art,attain意为“获得、获取”,proficiency意为“精通、熟练”。“需要控制好毛笔,需要对宣纸和墨汁有一定的.认识”,该句可理解为“控制好毛笔和认识宣纸、墨汁也是必要的”。
——英语四级景色方面翻译练习 (菁选3篇)
灵隐寺(Lingyin Temple)位于浙江省杭州市西湖的西北部。它是江南著名古刹。该寺建于公元326年,有1600多年的历史。
传说, 印度一个叫作慧理的和尚来到杭州,被这美丽的山区景色深深地吸引了。他认为这里有神佛,所以建了一座庙宇,取名“灵隐”,意思是隐藏的灵魂。
Lingyin Temple is located in the northwest side of West Lake in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. It is a famous ancient temple in the south of the Yangtze River. The temple was built in 326 AD and has a history of over 1,600 years.
Legend has it that an Indian monk named Huili came to Hangzhou and was dee* attracted by the beautiful mountainous scenery. He thought there lived immortals and then he built a temple and named it “Lingyin”,which means hidden souls.
It is said that the famous monk Jigong also took vows in the temple, which made Lingyin Temple even more famous.
西湖位于杭州市中心的西部,是江南三大名湖之一。由于西湖的缘故,杭州自古就被誉为“人间天堂”。西湖就像镶嵌(inlay)在广袤大地上的一颗璀燦的明珠,以其秀丽的风景、闻名的古迹、灿烂的文化和丰富的特产而闻名。宋代大文豪苏轼在西湖留下了“欲把西湖比西子,淡妆浓抹总相宜”的千古绝唱;白娘子的传奇故事(The Legend of WhiteSnake )也给西湖增添了一层神秘色彩。
The West Lake, located in the western area ofHangzhou"s center, is one of the top three lakes inthe regions south of the Yangtze River. Because of it, Hangzhou has been acclaimed as "a heaven onearth", since ancient times. The West Lake is like a shining pearl inlaid on the vast land,renowned for its beautiful scenery, well-known historical sites, brilliant culture, andplentiful local specialties. The literary giant Su Shi in Song Dynasty left a poetic masterpiecethrough the ages there: The West Lake is like the beauty Xi Shi, who is always charming witheither light or heavy make-up (rainy or shiny). The Legend of White Snake also brings the WestLake an air of mystery.
1.江南:一般指长江以南,这里指“江南地区”,可译为regions south of the Yangtze River.
2.人间天堂:可译为a heaven on earth或者an earthlyparadise.
4.大文豪:文豪就是指“伟大的或者优秀的文学家、作家”,故可译为a literary giant,a great writer或者an eminent writer.
5.欲把西湖比西子,淡妆浓抹总相宜:中国古诗词讲究对仗押韵,是最难翻译的,翻译时要完全理解诗词要表达的语义。这句诗词的意思是,“西湖就像是西施,不管淡妆还是浓妆都很美”,且这里的“淡妆浓妆”指的.是西湖的“阴晴”,故本句可译为 The West Lake is like the beauty Xi Shi, who is always charming witheither light or heavy make-up (rainy or shiny)。
兵马俑(the Terracotta Army)由于它的历史意义和独特性而成为中国最知名的景点之一。秦始皇于公元前221年统一中国。他下令建造了这个军队的模型。兵马俑意义非常,因为数以百计精美的真人大小的模型代表了当时横扫中国所有其他军队的庞大军队。这个军队是统一的中国能够形成的决定性因素。兵马俑的陶俑(terracotta statues)是用来为秦始皇殉葬的,以彰显他的荣耀。
The Terracotta Army is one of the most famousattractions in China because of its historicalsignificance and uniqueness.First Emperor of Qinunified China in 221 B.C.He ordered the creation ofthis model army.It is very significant becausehundreds of fine life-size models represent the army that triumphed over all other Chinesearmies at that time.The army was the decisive factor in forming a united China.The army ofterracotta statues was made to be buried with the First Emperor of Qin as a show of his glory.
1.兵马俑由于它的历史意义和独特性而成为中国最知名的景点之一:“由于”后面跟的是词组,因此可译为because of,如果后面是完整的句子则用because。“最知名的景点”可译为themost famous attractions。
2.这个军队是统一的中国能够形成的决定性因素:“决定性因素”可译为decisive factor, decisive意为“决定性的”,与动词decide为同源词,factor意为“因素”。“统一的中国”可译为a united China。
3.兵马俑的陶俑是用来为秦始皇殉葬的,以彰显他的荣耀:该句要首先找准主语和谓语;主语是“兵马俑的陶俑”,可译为the army of terracotta statues。谓语 “是用来”,可译为was made to。其他部分则作表语和状语,“彰显他的荣耀”可译为as a show of his glory,“为...殉葬”可译为be buried with …。
——英语四级段落翻译技巧 (菁选3篇)
•中国剪纸有一千五百多年的历史,在明朝和清朝时期(the Ming and Qing Dynasties)特别流行。
•Chinese paper cutting has a history of more than 1,500 years, which was particularlywidespread during the Ming and Qing Dynastie.
Being a secretary is a very complex job which needs the ability to organize, coordinateand communicate.
插入语一般对一句话作一些附加的说明。它是中学英语语法的`重点,也是高考的考点。通常与句中其它部分没有语法上的联系,将它删掉之后,句子结构仍然完 整。插入语在句中有时是对一句话的一些附加解释、说明或总结;有时表达说话者的态度和看法;有时起强调的作用;有时是为了引起对方的注意;还可以起转移话 题或说明事由的作用;也可以承上启下,使句子衔接得更紧密一些。
•中国结(the Chinese knot)最初是由手工艺人发明的,经过数百年不断的改进,已经成为一种优雅多彩的艺术和工艺。
•The Chinese knot,originally invented by craftsman, has become an elegant and colorful artand craft after hundred years of improvement.
王昭君是中国历史上的一个真实人物。西汉时期,为了取得汉朝*的支持,匈奴人(Hun)请求与汉朝*和亲(marriage alliance)。王昭君听说后,请求嫁到匈奴部落。她劝说匈奴人减少战争,并把汉族的文化传给他们,匈奴人民和汉朝人民和睦相处了60年。王昭君圆满完成了“汉匈和亲”的伟大使命,对当时民族关系的缓和做出了积极的贡献。她是实现民族团结、促进社会和谐的典范,两千年来一直为各族人民所称颂。
Wang Zhaojun was a real person in Chinese history.During the Western Han Dynasty, in order to obtainthe support of the Han government, Huns sought amarriage alliance with the Han government.WangZhaojun heard of the news and requested to getmarried to the Hun tribe. She persuaded Hun people to reduce wars and spread the culture ofHan nationality to them, so that the Hun people and the people of the Han Dynasty lived inpeace for 60 years. Wang Zhaojun successfully completed the great mission of "the marriagealliance between Han and Hun" and made a positive contribution to easing ethnic relations atthat time. She is a role model in realizing national unity and promoting social harmony, soshe has been praised for two thousand years by the people of all ethnic groups.
2.“她劝说匈奴人减少战争,并把汉族的文化传给他们”与“匈奴人民和汉朝人民和睦相处了60年”之间含有因果关系,因而使用so that连接,显示其中的逻辑关系。
3.在“对当时民族关系的缓和做出了积极的贡献”中,汉语中“缓和”是名词,翻译时可将其动词化,用英文ease 表达,这样更符合英语表达习惯。
*广场(Tiananmen Square)位于北京市中心,是世界上最大的广场。整个广场东西宽500米,南北长880米。总面积达44万*方米。矗立在广场中央的人民英雄纪念碑 (Monument to the People"s Heroes)是新中国诞生后在广场修建的第一座建筑。*广场与其周围的建筑,被称为中国的心脏,是举行重大庆典的神圣之地。*广场还是著名的旅 游景点,每天都有大量的中外游客到此参观旅游。
Located at the center of Beijing City, Tiananmen Square is the largest square in the world. It covers a total area of 440,000 square meters, measuring 880 metens north to south, and 500 meters east to west. Monument to the People"s Heroes, the first architecture built on the square after the founding of New China, stands upright in the center. Tiananmen Square, together with the surrounding architectures, can be called the heart of China. It is the holy place where grand ceremonies are held. Tiananmen Square is also a famous tourist attraction with a large amount of visitors from home and abroad every day.
1.第1句中的“位于北京市中心”可处理为地点状语,用过去分词短语located at the center trf Bering City来表达,将第2个分句处理为句子的主干,使译文主次分明。
2. 第2句中,将“总面积达44万*方米”处理为主干it covers a total area of...。“整个广场东西宽500米,南北长 880 米”表伴随状态,可译为分词短语 measuring 880 meters north to south, said... east to west,动词measure表“距离/长度/宽度为……”,用在此处生动形象。
3.第3句的主干是“人民英雄纪念碑是第一座建筑”,而“矗立 在广场中央的”则为修饰“人民英雄纪念碑”的定语。该句可按原语序结构,把“矗立在广场中央的”译为定语从句,整句译为Monument to the People"s Heroes that stands... is the first architecture...;或可将“矗立在广场中央的”译为伴随状语,standing in the center of...;也可将“是新中国诞生后在广场修建的第一座建筑”处理为“人民英雄纪念碑”的同位语,表达为 Monument to the People"s Heroes, the first architecture built..., stands...。
4.第4句最后一个分句“是举行重大庆典的神圣之地”语义较独立,故考虑分译为一个独立的句子。定语“举行重大庆典的”较长,且含有动作,故译为定语从句,置于被修饰词holy place之后。
5. 最后一句后半句的“每天都有大量的中外游客到此参观旅游”的逻辑主语与前半句中的"主语“*广场” 不一致,翻译时可稍作处理,将其意思转换为“每天吸引大量的中外游客到此……”,译为attracting a large amount of tourists...,表伴随状态。或可用介词短语witti a large amount of visitors...作后置定语,修饰tourist attraction。“到此参观旅游”承前的“旅游景点”可省略不译。
参考例文:Career and family
When it comes to the opinion of career and family, people always hold different ideas. Some people deem it more important to pursue their career, while other people argue that family is the most important in one’s life.
On the one hand, there is no doubt that career plays a key role in our life. In the very first place, career gives us an aim to live on and makes our life fulfillment. Without career, much of our living time will be certainly boring. What’s more, career can provide us with a means to live on. Most people earn their income from a job to make a live. On the other hand, family is also an indispensable part of life, as many people will admit. Family is always regarded as a place where we can escape from pressure in life, and we can feel worm with family. In addition, we can obtain a sense of belonging to from family. Without it, anyone will feel lonely and desperate.
As far as I am concerned, career and family are not in opposition to each other. We can concentrate on our job when we are working, and we can spend a happy time with our family when we are off duty. Therefore they can enhance each other so that one’s life can become better and better.面对这种题目,首先我们需要阐述现象,然后再说明理由,最后再提出自己的想法。这样一来,让人一看就知道笔者思路清晰。
参考例文:Western festivals and China’s traditional ones
With rapid spreading of western cultures, there is a growing number of Chinese people prefer western holidays to traditional ones. When Christmas or Valentine Day comes, youngsters flood into bars, restaurants, or department stores to celebrate these festivals, while they know little about Chinese traditional festivals.
The reason behind such kind social phenomenon is obvious: in a society dominated by mass media and consumerism, festivals and holidays from abroad are labeled as fashionable, new and unique, while traditional ones are something out of date and old. Young people all over the world have regarded western life style especially the life depicted in Hollywood films as their ultimate goal of life. As a consequence it is no wonder that Chinese young people have much more passion on Christmas than China’s Spring Festival.
We should think about the influence of such a social phenomenon carefully. As far as I am concerned, it is obvious that the wide spread and recognition of western holidays is definitely doing harm to our traditional value. If we don’t take some measures right now, some day in future, Chinese cultural heritage may be alien to our offspring. It is high time for the government and all people to take some action to protect our traditional culture.
秦始皇(Emperor Qin Shi Huang)统一各国后,修复、连接并扩展了先前各国修建的城墙,将其建成巨大的军事防御工程,东起辽东半岛(Liaodong Peninsula),西至临洮。这就是举世闻名的万里长城。长城是世界一大奇迹,由数百关隘(pass)、堡垒(fortress)、塔楼和城墙构成。 每隔一定距离,就建一个烽火台,敌人接近时,发出警报。位于北京的八达岭长城、慕田峪长城和司马台长城都建于明朝时期。如今,长城每年都吸引着众多国内外 游客前来参观。它不仅是艺术非凡的文物古迹,同时也是中华人民伟大力量与智慧的`结晶。
After Emperor Qin Shi Huang united the separate states, he restored, linked up and extended the city walls built by the former states into huge military defensive works which started from the Liaodong Peninsula in the east and ended at Lintao in the west. This is the world-famous Great Wall. It is one of the important wonders of the world, consisting of hundreds of passes,fortresses, towers and walls. Beacon towers are built at certain intervals to give the alarm if enemies approach. The parts of the Great Wall situated at Badaling, Mutianyu and Simatai in Beijing were all constructed during the Ming Dynasty. Nowadays, the Great Wall attracts a great many tourists from home and abroad each year. It is an artistically extraordinary cultural relic and historic site as well as the crystalisation of Chinese people"s great strength and wisdom.
1.连接:有多种表达,如link up,connect等。
2.每隔一定距离:可译为at certain intervals。
3.蜂火台:即beacon tower,其中beacon意为“锋火;灯塔”。
4.发出警报:可译为give the alarm。
5.吸引着众多国内外游客前来参观:可译为attracts a great many tourists from home and abroad。其中,a great many意为“众多”,常修饰可数名词;国内外游客”译为tourists from home and abroad。